Things are getting real!

 I have struggled lately with keeping up on this blog, which is sad because I wanted to try and keep all the memories I could of each day that I get to be your mom. I guess this was an unrealistic expectation but I hope to do a lot better. I have been doing a lot of research to make your life better and am finding so many things that I want for you. Your biological father has given us the green lot to make you our son officially by allowing us to adopt you. Ecstatic doesn't even begin to describe how this makes me feel. Its been very difficult trying to figure out how to make this dream a reality. I have called so many lawyers and agencies trying to get assistance with the process. It finally happened. We found an amazing lawyer that wants to help us make you legally our son. The next day, I took you to get your new glasses. Your reaction was absolutely priceless, making everyone present tear up. It felt so good to know that you can finally see the world! We were able to start construction on the basement and it is coming along very nicely. You will soon have your own accessible bedroom and bathroom with a living room, therapy space, and kitchenette. Your bio dad likes to say that you are getting your own apartment, which is pretty much the case. 

You love being outside and so do I. I want to take you to explore our beautiful state and allow you to enjoy everything that you possibly can. God gave us a beautiful life and I want to bless you as much as we possibly can. I have found things for you that can help make your life so much more adventurous and fun! I have found strollers, ways to take you skiing, ways to take you hiking and fishing, as well as an adventure park that will allow you to ride all of the rides in your wheelchair. I want to get you a hot tub so that you can do water therapy in a controlled temperature since you struggle with controlling your body temperature. I want to get a procedure for you that will take some, if not all, of your pain away. I found an amazing device that will help you walk for the first time, improving your core strength, lungs, and quality of life. We are doing food tasting so that maybe we can eventually allow you to eat by mouth. You have shown so much improvement since you moved in with us and I want to keep up the momentum. I pray that the things we do for you will allow you to live with more independence and be the amazing boy that you are. You are learning how to use your eye gaze device so that you can communicate with us. You may be nonverbal but you have a lot to say. Your smile is infectious and melts my heart. We got to take you bowling on a special needs night and you absolutely loved it! I can't describe how proud of you I am and how much I love you! 

Lately you have been having a lot of pain, which breaks my heart. I want to take that pain away from you and am doing everything that I possibly can to get you the help that you need. All I can do right now is climb up in your bed behind you and wrap you up in my arms to give you as much comfort as I can. You have changed my life for good. I can't wait to see you thrive and grow! Hopefully I can find a way to get the money that we need to get you all the things that could help you enjoy what this life has to offer. You deserve it. I just wish that they didn't make adaptive equipment for you so expensive. I will find a way! You are my hero! 


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